The Key Answers Standing Between YOU and Affording IVF 

When you want to get pregnant, it's no secret that In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a highly effective and sought after option for hopeful couples…

But at what cost? 

As if it wasn't enough to deal with the trials of infertility itself, IVF is rarely covered by health insurance because it isn't seen as a necessity. 

This leaves couples facing costs up to $15,000 per cycle without even guaranteeing that they will bring home a baby – which is all they want.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a crystal clear path with honest, practical answers to the questions we have about IVF?"

The misinformation and contradictory advice regarding IVF on online forums and unofficial websites steer already lost people down rabbit holes of more confusion. If you're a person seeking IVF treatment, you know what it's like to feel the helplessness of not knowing what's true…

And have you noticed yet that the most reliable information comes from self-interested providers who have a monetary interest in your choices? IVF is a sensitive topic and couples need an objective source of guidance that does not benefit from their medical treatments. 

"Wouldn't be awesome if there was a source out there that led you down a clear cut path with step by step answers to getting IVF without the detrimental costs associated with it?"

You don't have to stress anymore. Kevin Haney, the founder of A.S.K. Benefit Solutions has put together an essential guide for any couple seeking IVF without spending everything penny they've got.

How to Pay for IVF Without Insurance: 4 Ways to Get Pregnant Without Going Broke is the ultimate eBook for any couple serious about IVF today. 

Why? Because with our extensive experience with insurance, consumer credit, and other financial topics, we provide an objective roadmap to help couples navigate through a complex web of options with serious real-world consequences. 

The author of this book, Kevin Haney, is a licensed health insurance agent and former executive at a consumer credit bureau. He is the principal author of, a site devoted to helping couples make having a baby financially safer, and more affordable.
There is  a crystal clear path with honest, practical answers to the questions we have about IVF ... Click the Next Botton

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